Ruthy’s Gallery -- Original Classical Paintings and Poems by Ruthy

Ruthy's Gallery

Mom, this page is for you!
With love from Abi, Tammy, Micky and Danny

pink flowers

To A Friend


I know your day is in September,
The air so crisp the light so tender.
With golden foliage on the ground,
While birds are staging the final round.
When clouds will break
The sun will greet you with a smile
And make you think and wonder awhile.
And I will paint your day so gentle,
The paint will drip off my page
To sounds of autumn breeze.
Crimson leaves will russel down
And lend beneath the trees.
I watched the leaves land one by one
With colors on display
And paint the words so gracefully;
Happy Birthday!

By Ruthy -- 1996

Moments To Remember


I spent some joyous moments
Down by the sea
Listening to the rhythm
Of natures melody.

The sun is set in golden light
Dazzling over water
Seagulls crouding the shore
And scatter there after.

I watched the waves recede
And new ones glide along
An ever lasting sequence
Of a repeating song.

Oh listen to the rhythm
And your mind will follow
The waves of yesterday
And the waves of tomorrow.

By Ruthy -- 1995

Hi Mom!


Hi Mom!

Winter has a stillness
A frozen beauty in a dream
The air so icy with glitter
It silenced the running stream.

And you look out to distance
The mountains caped with snow
Where light reflects its shadow
On frozen earth below.

Few are the hearts
That feel like mine
To seek out nature so divine
In solitude the soul is free
Serene as nature is to me.

My thoughts then so deepen
To capture what I see
A glorious surrounding
That calms my soul for me.

BY Ruthy -- 1996

Hi Mom!
Hi Mom!
Ruthy's Rose

To My Friend


There is a flower In your garden
It's leaves forever green
Each time you watch the window
My image hides within.

Loud was the sudden storm
Raindrops followed soon
My image declined to leave
But left that afternoon.

Comfort came into my heart
To see that you are well
Though we must keep apart
In silence I will dwell.

By Ruthy -- 1997


Last Moments


You hurried back
To see your love
For just one single day,
But strings of life
Couldn’t hold
His soul had slipped away.

He was a faithful father
Who’s love came from within
Without declaring pation
He knew it was no sin.

Your lips have spoken
Tender words,
As poets write their song,
And kissed the forhead
of his grave
And sadly moved along.

By Ruthy -- 1997

Mumi & Abi

False Friend


Some friends appear
What they are.
And some will hide it well.
One hand is giving,
The other decieving.
Your smile is bright and gay.
You call it love
To all of the above
And want me to believe.
But I’m no fool
Each time you rule
And join a flock of sheep.
I’m no fool to be your tool,
Farewell my dear
don’t weep.

By Ruthy -- 1997

Hi Mom!
Eternal Flame

 If you wish to obtain a poem written in memory of Princess Diana which was published in the condolences book at Buckingham Palace, please send $3.50 to:
GEL Associates, 6408 West View Drive Orange CA 92869.

Ner Tameed

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Erev Shel Shoshaneem

All the paintings, poems and other artwork on this page are the property of Ruthy. Please do not use without permission, thank you

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